Leadership today is not about hierarchy. It is about influence.

I would like to introduce you to a new model that I have been using in my ‘leading change’, ‘leadership development’ and ‘leading with influence’ programs and webinars – the ‘Chequerboard of Leadership’.

After 25+ years of enabling leaders to lead change, I have observed that extraordinary leaders possess two core, critical skills:

  1. The ability to deliver results, and
  2. The ability to influence, motivate and empower people (Emotional Intelligence)

(There is actually a third – and I will talk about that next month!)

And both the ability to deliver and the ability to influence can be developed.

Low-EQ leaders produce results that are short term. High-EQ leaders produce results that are sustainable.

And when it comes to leadership, EQ beats IQ hands down. In fact, EQ accounts for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for superior performance in leadership – it matters twice as much as technical expertise or IQ – according to Harvard Business School.  

It is a chequerboard because a leader’s position on the board is not set in stone. No matter which square someone may occupy today, they do not have to be imprisoned in that cell forever; they can move (preferably northwards and eastwards!) as long as they are aware of their position on the board and possess the desire to change.

– Where would you place yourself on the chequerboard?
– Where would others place you?
– Where would you place your manager?
– Why?

Unleash the potential of your ‘Engine Room’.
Yes, the Chequerboard is a great tool to enhance the capabilities of your senior people managers and ‘high potential’ leaders. But there is an even more exciting use for it – to help you unlock the hidden talent that lies within your ‘Engine Room’ – those Subject Matter Experts, technical professionals and managers throughout your business.

That is where the hidden value lies – unleashing the latent talent trapped in your ‘Engine Room’.

Care to know more? Click the email below and let’s have a chat.

Warm regards

Download the Extraordinary Leadership PDF here